Trespasser/Thief Problem


LSB Member
I am sure that his momma didn't look at him the day he was born and say, "Some day child of mine, you are going to make me so proud by going out and stealing what others have worked hard for because we are going to teach you that everybody deserves equality in the form of taking from those who have and giving it to those who do not work and blaming it on anything but the truth...". Give the picture to Crimestoppers and let them post a reward. What ever you do don't just let it go and do nothing. Next week he will steal your gun, and Brians 4 wheeler the next. And when his thrills start leveling off he might start raping and murdering to get the rush again. I can't stop him because he didn't steal my stuff. But, you can and you have more means available to you than most police departments ever have. You have a flipping PICTURE of him! If a deputy did not show at the appointed time he might have been on a more serious call. But, if you know he wasn't call the sheriff and speak to him directly and light a fire under the department if you have to.