TRIPLE: Mulefoot Plus 2!


Lewisville NC
LoneStarBoars Supporter
On the Zeus model, NUCing (non-uniformity correction) happens automatically, or you can do it manually by pressing the control buttons at the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock position at the same time. Sometimes you may want to do it before the unit does it automatically and so the option is there. For lack of a better description, consider it a sort of screen "refresh."

Some brands are manual, some are automatic. Some have multiple settings to accomplish the task depending on the firmware and the type of microbolometer inside.
Sorry to scalp the thread. I have had my Zeus on and have drained the batteries while looking around. When does this happen or will it happen. I have never experienced this so I am wondering why and what happens. I,just looked,at my quick study guide in shows how to,stop,a NUC so,mine must do,it just never experienced it yet . Thanks for the info.


LSB Member
LoneStarBoars Supporter
You will see a notification at the bottom of the screen that will say "NUC in 5 sec", and it will start counting down. The frame will freeze for a second, and then go back to normal. That's all you will notice, I don't know what causes it, mine does it frequently here in central Fl high humidity.