Grocery store bait


New Member
We have hunted west Texas yearly for the past 7 years, every year being better prepared and equipped each year. The last day of last years trip an old cotton farmer where we hunt told us to use flour as bait. He said baking flour from the store dusted on the ground drives the pigs nuts. Has anyone ever heard of this? Courious if he was just pulling my leg, headed down next week and might just have to try it. Any info would be appreciated since flour is cheaper than cracked corn! Lol


LSB Member
LoneStarBoars Supporter
watching just to find out myself.


Give rice bran a try. It comes in peanut flavored also.
It is light colored with the consistancy of talcum powder.
Last year here it was $12.50 for 50lbs. I use about 1/2 gallon at a time. I dump a quart or so on the ground,then sling the rest up into the air to float down on the wind. It covers a large area and puts out some great smell.
Two bags will last the entire Fla hunting season. Hogs love it even more than deer.
Do not put it into a slinger type feeder. It will gum it up. ---- pruhdlr


LSB Member
Good idea, know doubt in my mind that would work since hogs like anything made from flour. Last year I was given bags of bread for hog bait. Problem with that, it attracted every critter in the jungle and it was gone before the hogs got to it. It was amusing watching the raccoons run out to grab a slice of bread then run back into the jungle. Since the hogs seemed to love licking up the cracked corn I'll bet they would love the flour.

Where would I buy rice bran?


Most any ag/feed store over here has it. ACE Hardware has it also but more expensive there. All the FRM feed stores have it also.
As with some feeds if you tell the store that it is for cows,horses,etc,no tax is applied. --- pruhdlr


LSB Member
LoneStarBoars Supporter
So....if i were to use flour or rice bran, I just need to pour onto the floor or do I need to mix it with the first few inches of top soil in the area? With the elevated bag filled with it, would a pillow case work to allow the wind to disperse its scent in the area or should I use a different type bag?


LSB Member
Flour would be great to add to a bait feeder. The flour dust would be distributed through the air for an attractant and the hogs would love licking it up from the ground along with corn normally in the feeder. Flour is a great idea, wish I could try it.

I used to think burying bait was effective because it was always dug up the following morning. I have pictures of hogs with their heads stuck down holes eating buried bait. However, I watched foxes dig up the bait as well. In fact the foxes appeared to have a real good time digging up my hog bait. After seeing that I stopped burying bait. Not supposed to shoot or trap foxes in Florida.


New Member
We have hunted west Texas yearly for the past 7 years, every year being better prepared and equipped each year. The last day of last years trip an old cotton farmer where we hunt told us to use flour as bait. He said baking flour from the store dusted on the ground drives the pigs nuts. Has anyone ever heard of this? Courious if he was just pulling my leg, headed down next week and might just have to try it. Any info would be appreciated since flour is cheaper than cracked corn! Lol
Well we put out 25 lbs of flir in a wheat field that we had seen pigs in, after three days of hunting never saw a pig track any where close to it, it might work but it didn’t work for us. I think the old farmer was yanking my leg

der Teufel

Livin' the Dream …
Before I had any type of night vision gear, I'd sometimes spread flour on the ground to create a light background against which I hoped to silhouette hogs in the moonlight. Never found that the hogs thought it was particularly attractive, though.